How frequent reflection enhances your growth

Reflecting on your week is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your personal growth and the effectiveness of your Matters. While it is an optional part of the weekly flow, integrating reflection into your routine can bring numerous benefits.

Start simple: what went well and what didn’t

When reflecting, it’s best to start off by writing down what went well and what didn’t. This simple act helps you become more aware of your experiences and allows you to see patterns and trends over time. Don’t worry about making it perfect; just jot down your thoughts.

Find your style

Reflection styles vary greatly from person to person. Some people prefer to note a few short facts about what happened, while others write longer, more elaborate journal entries. Some reflections might be neutral and matter-of-fact, while others can be rich with feelings and emotions. Find a style that feels natural to you.

Awareness and intentional living

The sheer act of writing down your reflections is already beneficial. It makes you more aware of what happened during the week and helps you live more intentionally. Initially, you don't have to go to the next step of analyzing everything that happened. Just observing and noting your experiences can be sufficient.

From observation to learning

Ultimately, the goal is to not only observe but to learn from your reflections. Over time, you’ll start to see what works and what doesn’t, helping you turn these insights into better actionable intentions. This process can even lead to a deeper understanding of your Matters, prompting you to reshape or rephrase them to find an angle better suited for yourself.

Creating a personal journal

By incorporating reflections into your weekly pattern, you’re not just living more intentionally; you’re also creating a personal journal for each Matter. This journal becomes a valuable resource you can look back on to see how your thoughts, goals, and approaches have developed and changed over time.

Looking ahead

We have already started working on enhancing our journaling and reflection features and have concrete plans to extend these capabilities. We are very interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas. Your feedback will help us incorporate the features you want to see, so please share your insights with us at

Reflecting regularly helps you understand yourself better, refine your intentions, and achieve your goals more effectively. Start simple, find your style, and watch your personal growth journey unfold.


The origin story of Matters


How to write good, actionable intentions